Friday, May 30, 2008

We zijn weeer thuis

Precies zoals gepland om 1/2 8 thuis, de katten hebben me gemist zo te zien.


Nicole said...

Yaaaaaaay! Welcome back! I'm glad the cats really are still there. I wasn't able to catch them once on the Pussy Cam. Every time I looked they must have been in the window or elsewhere.

Vincent said...

Welkom terug! Vergeet geen pint Guinness te halen ;-)

Unknown said...

Nciole: maybe we can set up a time so I can make sure that the cats are in the picture, or we can skype,. They were very happy to see me and wanted a lot of attention, Form Danny I heard they stayed away from here, although Katie came over for some cuddles. My cats are not that social.

Vince: I could get a good pint at O'Connolls, as soon as they realized I did not want the ice cold version.