Sunday, May 25, 2008

Plans for today

I think I need to drop by the H&M, not sure if I brought enough trousers, It also has been quite a while I did some clothes shopping.

There is also an exhibition on the civil war in Tampere, this should be interesting.

A bit of reading in the park, listen to some music; I bought a new mp3 player a Zen Stone; nice and simple drag and drop to add files and a standard usb/mini-usb cable. I lost my cable for the mp3 player I had.

It looks like I am down to 1 creditcard only, the magnetic strip on 1 of them is damaged....


kees said...

I followed the link to the exhibition and asiantuntijajäseninä näyttelytoimikunnassa ovat toimineet FT Tuomas Hoppu, dos. Very interesting!

Nicole said...

Kees, gesundheit!