Sunday, August 10, 2008

The waddle

Apparently a group of penguins on land is called a waddle. I finished re-organizing my penguin collection. This collection is not really activly maintained. It consists of the first 100 Pelicans (at least that was my aim) and the first 1000 penguins (altwma). plus the odd Shakespeare, Poetry series, specials, guidebooks, children books and bits and pieces.
Collecting them require a lot of bookshop visiting, which I really don't do that much any more. You also need a good list of what you have, what needs to be replaced, I lost the list a few computers ago. I have read many of them and while shelving them I spotted a few of them worth a (re-)read.


Jo said...

Do you also have old penguins?
I have a few copies from the 1930's about what was happening in Europe at the time and warning about the war.
Very interesting to read how many of the warnings were very accurate indeed.

Unknown said...

Penguins have been published since 1936, lots of the penguins I have are from before and even during the war.